Sunday, January 22, 2012

Week 2- Network

The film Network features a man by the name of Howard Beale whom gets kicked off the air for being reckless and rebellious. Howard Beale is on CBS network and takes a stand to voice his personal opinion regarding television programing. Following his termination from CBS a smaller television UBS network wants to put him back on to raise their ratings. Spontaneously letting out anger and denouncing hypocrisies of our time. Howard Beale’s conflict between the two networks is demonstrating corporate maneuvering in this film, seeking network confrontation. 

The film Network takes place during an economic recession. Beale broadcasts that there is no end to it, everyone is scared to loose their jobs so will not voice their opinions. “I don't know what to do about the depression and the inflation but I want you to get mad, and say Im a human being Im mad as hell and Im not going to take this anymore”. “Stick your head out of the window and yell Im mad as hell and Im not going to take this anymore”. Beale’s request of television viewers worked, Beale started a movement through the UBS network. Beale was speaking on behalf of the ongoing struggle of the oppressed masses. 

Following this television network movement and it’s success, UBS created a talk show “The Howard Beale Show”. Beale and UBS had sixty-two million Americans watching. Beale broadcasts “the only truth you know is what you get over this tube, this tube is the gospel, the ultimate revelation”. UBS and the television network had turned into a propaganda force. Beale stated “TV is not the truth its a god damn amusement park”. “So if you want the truth go to God, go to your guru’s, go to yourself”. Beale was proclaiming on American television that television will tell you anything you want to hear.  “Ya’ll are beginning to believe whatever the tube tells you, you people are the real thing TV is the illusion”. UBS network was quickly becoming one of the most profitable centers in the empire. Not only did Howard Beale have the ability to keep the viewers attention week after week, Beale had the power to lead the network viewers and their actions. 

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Week 1 - Summary

Upon finding out that this course would be structured around politics I was slightly intimidated. I’ll be the first to admit that I am not the most politically driven or opinionated person. The majority of my knowledge on political affairs comes from the media and internet rather then personal interest and research. Regardless of my political knowledge entering this class, I am excited to be taking a course which can further my perspective on political culture and expand my historical and current knowledge. 
Learning about Americas current political state interests me. I was pleasantly surprised to have started the first lecture of class with such a politically charged subject. To hear that less then 5% of Americans approve of Congress was shocking yet completely believable. Americans personal opinions and disappointment of Congress and government is nothing that can be avoided. It is laced within all television and internet media whether you like it or not. Media is the easiest and most convenient tactic to feed the public with political information and opinion. 
Furthermore, hearing that film would be a primary medium of information for the course was no surprise. The combination of entertainment and information is brilliant. I personally believe that film and visual resource is one of the best structures for understanding and relates perfect with the topic of the course, Democracy and its discontents: Mediacracy and the romance of revolution.